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Meals - Nutritious meals are provided at three locations around the county:

Romney Senior Center  
Springfield Center
Capon Valley View Center

Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lunch at Noon

Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
1:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Dinner at 5:00 p.m.
Closed Monday & Wednesday

Tuesday & Friday
Lunch at 12 Noon
Closed Monday, Wednesday & Thursday

Meals comply with the dietary guidelines for Americans and provide a minimum of one-third of the daily-recommended dietary allowances.  Home-delivered meals available - must call (304) 822-2465 for application and to see if eligible.

Click HERE for this month's menus.

Assessment                                                                                                                                                                                                                      To provide health care by conducting tests such as blood pressure, hearing, and vision.


Information and Assistance                                                                                                                                                                                            A service that provides individuals with current information on opportunities and services available within the community.


Senior Nutrition Food Vouchers                                                                                                                                                                                     June of each year at the Administrative Offices on a first-come, first-serve bases.  Income guidelines apply as established by the West Virginia Department of Agriculture.


S.H.I.P.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Medicare Counseling - West Virginia State Health Insurance Assistance Program began in 1992 and provides free, objective, and confidential help to West Virginia Medicare beneficiaries and their families who need information about their Medicare benefits, Medicare supplement insurance companies, supplement plans and monthly rate comparisons, long-term care insurance plans, and help with paying Medicare costs. Call 304-822-4097 ask for Doris.  


Tour Bus Trips                                                                                                                                                                                                                Travel to fun places in the United States and make new friends. Call Judy Richman at (304)822-4097 for upcoming trips.



To provide a ride to senior centers, groceries, pharmacies, and doctor/medical appointments. Service is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Call MIssy at 304-822-4097. 


In-Home Care Services


Aged & Disabled Waiver Program - An alternative to nursing home placement for clients who qualify medically and financially. Homemaker, Case Management, and Registered Nurse services are provided according to an individualized plan of care. Hour of service range from 62 to 155 per month, depending on the client's functional level in the home.


F.A.I.R. - Family Alzheimer’s In-Home Respite offers relief to family caregivers and, at the same time, provides one-on-one attention and individualized activities for persons with a written diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia. F.A.I.R. gives caregivers the time to do things most of us take for granted – run errands, keep appointments, visit family and friends, shop for groceries, or even take a nap. F.A.I.R. clients (family caregivers) can receive up to sixteen hours of respite per week, based on need and availability of hours and trained staff. The fee for F.A.I.R. services depends on the income of the person with dementia.


Lighthouse –Designed to assist those seniors who have functional needs in their homes, but whose income or assets disqualify them for Medicaid services. The Lighthouse Program is funded entirely by state monies and provides support in four areas: personal care, mobility, nutrition, and housekeeping. An individual may receive up to sixty hours of service per month, based on client assessment and resources available. To participate in the program, one must be at least sixty years of age and meet the functional eligibility need. Lighthouse has a sliding scale fee in place.


Personal Care – Community Care services are medically oriented activities for Medicaid eligible individuals ordered by a physician and carried out under the supervision of a registered nurse. Services include those related to personal hygiene, dressing, feeding, nutrition, environmental support functions, and health-related tasks.


Private Pay - Provides Personal Care or Sitting Services to those not eligible for other programs. Cost: $16.50/hour. Private Pay Housekeeping Services: $12.25/hour 


Veteran’s Administration - A homemaker aide is provided to eligible Veterans to provide personal care, mobility, nutrition, and housekeeping. This program is supervised by a Registered Nurse with a plan of care. Our agency became a Certified Government Contractor to provide these services.

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